Monday 22 June 2020

Hi there. Another week has come and gone and now it's time to tell people how your week went. My week went fast. Too fast. There was some babysitting of our young grandsons and then a visit to my mother-in-law and the week was over. Almost no time for getting any writing or proofing done.

It was however father's day on Sunday and my two sons came for supper. Happy father's day to all you fathers and grandfathers out there. I hope it was a good day for all.

We had a big storm last week and as we were driving into town last night, we got hit with another almost as big, but this time we were driving in it instead of watching from our balcony. Luckily we didn't see any hail, but there was a ton of rain which ended up in flooding the road after we went through. Big storm.

Things continue to open up around here and even if our case numbers are up a little, we are still moving forward. The question of whether to wear a face mask or not keeps coming up. My opinion is no unless required. Required means my house, my rules, so if in your house you require a mask, such as the care center my mother lives in, then I'll either wear a mask to not go in. Always my choice.

That's it for now. Stay safe and talk again soon.

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