Thursday, 17 October 2019

Hi there. Another week has come and gone. I am still working through the edits for book 4 in the Tannion Series - Tannion - Future Past. There were a lot of edits and my time has been limited. Getting ready to take off for the winter.

My wife and I aren't true snowbirds. We live in Canada so staying home for the winter when I don't have to makes no sense to me. Not a winter sport fan. Got to go to where it is warm or at least warmer. A true snowbird goes south to the same place every year. We tend to go south some of the time and then we stay in a variety of areas and sometimes we head to completely different parts of the world. This fall it will be the southern US but after the new year, we aren't sure. Mexico for a while and then maybe southern Europe. Time will tell.

Still working on Bentley the spin off from the Tannion series. Added a little more than a thousand words this past week and now stand over 34000 words and counting. Not sure where it is going yet and have slowed down partly due to some plot uncertainties. It will work itself out as it always does.

After the winter I hope to have the fourth book in the Tannion series published and then I need to look at marketing. I would like to sell a few books to make sure I can afford to publish the next in the series. I would love to hear from anyone who has any good sales ideas that won't cost me a pretty penny.

Talk again soon and next time from somewhere warmer.

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