Hi there. I hope you all had a good Christmas weekend and I wish you all a happy and better new year. This last year is well worth saying goodbye to. With luck, we will be able to do some travelling sometime in 2021.
We had a good Christmas even with the lockdowns. No turkey, but we did have a very nice BBQ'd steak supper and had a chance to deliver presents and see our grandsons and talk to all our kids. Face time isn't the same as in person, but it's much better than a voice across space.
I made a promise to myself that I would get back into my writing in the new year and I have started already. I don't make New Year resolutions, but I am using the new year as a starting point. I have been writing Bentley, my Tannion spin off and enjoying the time. That's what it's all about for me, the enjoyment of writing, but I also hope to get the 4th book in the Tannion series published in the new year. As I've written before, I hope to make a few sales first and that will mean some form of advertising to get it started. Wish me luck.
Covid-19, and now a few variants, is still with us and sounds like it will be for a while. Our numbers appear to be going down, but we are still waiting on the vaccines to roll out and put an end to all this nonsense. With luck it will be mostly in our past in a short few months.
That's all for now and I hope all of you have a happy new year.