Tuesday 4 September 2018

Today is a good day. I think I have finally gotten my website up and running again. I say I think only because I won't know until this post shows up. It has been a couple of years since I mistakenly deleted the gmail account that the original website was connected to. It is good to have it back.

Now that it is back, it is time to update everyone on what is going on. I still have the first three books in the Tannion Series published and they are still available on Amazon. I now believe it is worth my while to publish the rest of my books and I have started the process with some self editing. Lots of work to go as they will all need to be professionally edited and then formatted before they show up on Amazon. Hopefully in the next few years I will have all fifteen of my books self published and maybe even selling a few copies.

I am also working on the next book which is a spin off from the Tannion series called Bentley. Bentley is a character in one of the later Tannion books that seems interesting enough for a book of his own. I am just getting started on it so I hope I am right and it stays interesting.

So, now that my website is back up and running, I hope to post a little more more often and also to add more updates to the information it contains. Stay tuned.

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