Thursday, 3 October 2019

Another week has come and gone. The big news was that I received the edited copy of Tannion - Future Past (Book 4 in the Tannion Series) back from my editor. The bad news is, getting the edits back always makes me feel like the dumbest guy in grade six. So many editorial changes, but in the end, I know it makes for a better read without changing the story.

I was also able to add another 3000 words or more to my current project. Bentley is a spin off from The Tannion Series and is currently over thirty one thousand words and growing. Not sure where it is going yet as I need some time to think about it for a while, but it will get there.

I won't have much time for the next few days though. It is my birthday on Saturday as well as my oldest son's, so we are working on some birthday plans, but you know a lot of my time will be working on the edits I just received.  It will keep me busy for a long time and then I'll need to work on getting it published.

Now if I could just talk a few people into buying some of my books it would help.

Talk again soon.

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