Monday, 27 April 2020

Hi there. April 27 and for the most part we are still in lock down as are so many people around the world, but it is starting to ease up in some places. Hopefully this finds all of you safe and sound, but if you are like me, I'm more worried about what the lock down is doing to people than what the virus is.

I've been keeping busy or at least as busy as I can. Taking nice long walks along the river twice a day most days, food shopping as required and a little writing.  I do have a problem though. I am trying to add page numbers to my book as my last formatting task and as I want different numbering for the chapter pages than the rest, I am having trouble learning how.  If there are any word wizards out there, I would love to hear from you. 

I am writing away on Bentley which is a spin off of the Tannion Series and will be my 16th book when finished. As I have only 3 books published, the rest wait until I can raise enough money to self publish. The cost is in the editing mostly, but with a total lack of sales, I am holding off.  I am looking into some forms of advertising both free and paid so I can sell a few more books, but as of yet haven't made the jump into actually paying for any.  Getting closer.

That's it for now. Stay safe and talk again soon.

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