Monday 6 July 2020

Hi there. With everything going on here, I skipped a week but I'm back. The past few days have been busy but not with writing. I have been selling things on EBAY. I have bought and sold several items before, but this time I have had as many as one hundred items for sell at a time. They are old toys that our kids grew out of and the grand kids don't like.

It has been fun watching the bidding and seeing the final result but mostly because these toys are selling for so much more than I thought they would so if you find you have a bunch of old toys from the 1980s, they might be worth something.

I am currently reading a book I found on amazon for free called House of Magic by Malia Ann Haberman. It is a young adult fantasy, but I am finding it interesting. About half way through and should have it done in the next few days.

Still living with Covid-19 around, but still not living in fear. Here in Canada we have it under some form of control unlike other parts of the world. Masks can be seen in stores, but not to a extent some places have, probably as a result of how few cases there are each day. Hope it ends soon.

I am waiting for the NHL hockey season to start back up, but I am already disappointed. It appears they are jumping into playoffs only without finishing the regular season which I understand because of time restraints. I am disappointed because I watch the stats more than the games and there are a number of players withing striking distance of milestone stats that they won't reach and that's too bad. Probably won't watch much.

Hoe this finds you all well and talk again soon.

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