Monday, 21 September 2020

 Hi there. Monday morning already and I missed the last one so thought I had better put a few words down even if there isn't much to say today. I have had a busy couple of weeks, but not because of any writing and in this case, I haven't been reading much either. I am just getting started on the book 'Little Women' and I'm finding it a little hard to get into.

What we have been doing is a lot of looking after our 2 year old grandson. He's lots of fun and has so much energy that at the end of a few hours he goes home and leaves us drained. He might even have a nap while he's with us and we are still tired. I wish I had half his energy. I would have my next book written and then some.

We did get one night of camping, or maybe it's better said, one night of sleeping in a tent. It was a cool night but we survived nicely and feel that we can do it more often. Had a nice trip with some good hikes and the tent worked.

Still lots of Covid-19 in the news as the cases seem to be going up here at home and in many places around the world. The government is still talking tough, but they don't seem to be looking at the data. The cases might be going up, but the number of people dying is staying very low. If no one is dying, is it still a pandemic. 

Face masks are becoming the norm everywhere it seems and the cases are still going up. Is there a correlation? Are the masks slowing the spread down or in fact doing nothing or worse, speeding it up? Time might tell.

Okay, that's it for now. Stay safe and talk again soon.

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