Monday, 18 January 2021

 Hi there. It's Monday morning and time to say a few words. Well, this is the week I start to move forward with the publication of my next book. The 4th book in the Tannion Series 'Tannion Future Past' is ready and waiting and all I need to do is pay for the cover, have someone format for me and it should be out. But, and there is a but, I would like to sell a few of the first three books in the Tannion series before I publish the 4th. In order to do that, I am going to have to do some advertising and get a little known first.

First up is Facebook. I will be adding a short post to my Facebook pages to let my friends know what I am doing and then twitter where I will try to do the same and finally, a number of paid advertising sites. It looks like most of them have either a website where I can put my book up for free, (have tried that a number of times with no success), or for a few dollars, they will put up tweets to their twitter followers. As I have done the twitter route with no success on my own, I can only hope the followers they have actually buy books.

On another note, some of the covid 19 restrictions here are being relaxed. Nothing close to what it should be, but our elected officials still see the need to follow the guidelines of the doomsayers and worst case scenario doctors. No matter what, we know they won't get it right. 

That's it for now as I try to keep it short and sweet. Wish me luck with my sales and talk again soon.

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