Monday, 8 March 2021

 Hi there. Sorry for skipping a week. Time is still going at too fast a pace to catch up. Or so it seems. At least the weather has been nicer than what it was a few weeks back. I think maybe spring is right around the corner.

As the vaccines roll out and the number of Covid cases comes down, maybe we will be out of this mess sooner than we think. Won't be soon enough for me or many others. The summer might even look a little more like normal.

I am at 59 thousand words in my book 'Bentley', the spinoff from the Tannion series that I have been writing for what seems like years. It is a slow growth, but it is growing and I hope to finish it this year. After writing 15 books in the first 10 years of retirement, I just don't seem to have the same drive or desire.

I am enjoying watching curling on TV. If you aren't a fan, I understand. It's something you have to have grown up with for many. Too slow for some, but with understanding how difficult it is to do what they are doing on the ice, it can be an amazing sport to watch.

With the warmer weather, the walks along the river have been very enjoyable, but I am looking forward to spring. Now we all need to stay healthy and let it come to us.

That's ll for now. Talk again soon.

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