Monday, 29 March 2021

 Hi there. Another Monday has come and almost gone and it's time to say a few words. As the weather slowly improves, it's been a little nicer to head outside for a while. That is until last night and today. Snow last night and very strong winds made it not much fun and for the several cars and trucks in multiple car pile ups on the ice covered highways, it was downright dangerous. 

Of course Covid is still with us, but the vaccine is slowly rolling out. Of course trying to understand some of the news around that vaccine can be a little scary as well. First one of the vaccines was good for those over sixty five and then it might cause blood clots, but now maybe it's not good for those under fifty five. Who knows what to believe.

On my front, I have managed to put another chapter on the book 'Bentley', the spinoff from the Tannion Series that I have ben writing on and off for what seems to be a very long time. Maybe I'll finish it this year and maybe not. Maybe it will give me a blood clot.

Working hard on other projects though. Almost forty one thousand names in my genealogy file now and still growing but more importantly are the Facebook groups I have created to help bring the closer relatives together. There however are always a few holdouts that either never look at their Facebook accounts or have no interest in their family tree. I will keep trying though.

That's it for this week. Keep safe and talk again soon.

Monday, 22 March 2021

 Hi there. It's another Monday and another post. A little later in the day, but it's still Monday. Today is the day the government is supposed to tell us that some of the Covid restrictions have been relaxed, but my guess is that, even though the thresholds have been reached, the restrictions will remain. Assuming I'm correct, it's once again the people we hire and pay to run the place who don't really know what they are doing.

I have been writing this past week and now have another two thousand or so words added to 'Bentley' my spinoff book from the Tannion Series. It is still moving along slowly, but it is moving. I still hope to have the fourth book in the Tannion Series out this spring. With luck it will be May. I did make an attempt to sell a few books with a little advertising, but to no avail. A few pages were read, but there were no sales. I have suspended the idea for now.

Spring has sprung. The weather is improving and it's now time to get outside, walk a little more and enjoy the weather. Of course it would be nice if my knee would stop hurting, but I'll just have to walk through it.

That's it for now. Not much to say, but talk again soon.

Monday, 15 March 2021

Good Monday morning. It felt like a short week. I am a curling fan so watching the Canadian curling championship (The Brier) all week made it go fast. Also the team I was cheering for managed to win and now will go to worlds in a couple of weeks. More curling for me to watch.

I've been making some good progress on my next book 'Bentley', the spinoff from the Tannion Series. I've added another three chapters and have almost sixty thousand words and counting. The end is in sight even if I'm not sure how it is going to end.

I also finished reading an interesting book titled 'Rollback'. A science fiction novel set in the near future where aliens have been heard from and medical science has controlled most diseases and has gone as far as being able to rollback people's age. It only costs a few billion dollars, but in order to keep the person who can communicate with the aliens alive, she gets a rollback. I thought it was well written and thought out.

Covid-19 is still in the news as more vaccines are plunged into people's arms. I am old enough to be one of them, but for now have decided to opt out. I'll wait and see what the future has in store before I take that plunge. I'm still not worried about catching a disease that most likely won't kill me and one I have only a very small chance of catching.

I don't know if many of you are into genealogy but I find it very interesting. I have been doing it for years and now have set up my family group on facebook and it is slowly gathering pictures and data. It takes up a little of my time, but with the weather improving, I want to spend a little more time outside so it and my writing might not get as much attention as it had.

That's it for now Talk again soon.

Monday, 8 March 2021

 Hi there. Sorry for skipping a week. Time is still going at too fast a pace to catch up. Or so it seems. At least the weather has been nicer than what it was a few weeks back. I think maybe spring is right around the corner.

As the vaccines roll out and the number of Covid cases comes down, maybe we will be out of this mess sooner than we think. Won't be soon enough for me or many others. The summer might even look a little more like normal.

I am at 59 thousand words in my book 'Bentley', the spinoff from the Tannion series that I have been writing for what seems like years. It is a slow growth, but it is growing and I hope to finish it this year. After writing 15 books in the first 10 years of retirement, I just don't seem to have the same drive or desire.

I am enjoying watching curling on TV. If you aren't a fan, I understand. It's something you have to have grown up with for many. Too slow for some, but with understanding how difficult it is to do what they are doing on the ice, it can be an amazing sport to watch.

With the warmer weather, the walks along the river have been very enjoyable, but I am looking forward to spring. Now we all need to stay healthy and let it come to us.

That's ll for now. Talk again soon.